MS Word A complete guide in a nutshell
What uses of MS Word
MS Word is basically used for creating a document, letters, notes, etc., This is a powerful tool for office typing work. The mail merge commands make it more powerful. We can create tables and can compare two documents. Track change option is very useful for editors. The spelling and Grammar option makes the document approximately free from errors. In this post, you will get the shortcut keys and uses of commands in short.
File Menu
New : Shortcut keys – Ctrl + N
This function is used to create a new file.
Open: Shortcut keys – Ctrl + O
This function is used to open previously saved or titled files.
Save: Shortcut keys – Ctrl + S
This function is used to save files. It asks for the name or title of the file name if a file is newly created, else it only saves the file.
Save as: Shortcut keys – F10
This function is used to save files. It always asks the name of a file, by this function we can create a duplicate file with another name or save the file with the same name.
Close: Shortcut keys – Ctrl + W
This function is used to close a file.
This function is used to check the properties of currently opened files like file size, a file created date, last modified date, total editing time, etc.
Print: Shortcut keys – Ctrl + P
This function is used to print a file.
This function is used to send a file in pdf or XPS format.
Home Menu
Bold: Shortcut keys – Ctrl + B
This function is used to make selected text bold.
Italic: Shortcut keys – Ctrl + I
This function is used to make selected text Italic.
Underline: Shortcut keys – Ctrl + U
This function is used to draw a line under the selected text.
Double Underline: Shortcut keys – Ctrl + Shift + D
This function is used to draw a double underline of the selected text.
Subscript: Shortcut keys – Ctrl + Shift + +
This function is used to convert selected text as power.
Subscript: Shortcut keys – Ctrl + =
This function is used to convert selected text as subscript.
Font Size increase: Shortcut keys – Ctrl + Shift + >
This function is used to increase the size of selected text.
Font Size decrease: Shortcut keys – Ctrl + Shift + <
This function is used to decrease the size of the selected text.
Font Size increased by one point: Shortcut keys – Ctrl + ]
This function is used to increase the size of the selected text by one point.
Font Size decreased by one point: Shortcut keys – Ctrl + [
This function is used to decrease the size of the selected text by one point.
This function is used to cross something out by drawing a line through selected text.
Change Case
(a) UPPER CASE – This function is used to convert all selected text into capital letters or upper case (A B C …… Z).
(b) lower case – This function is used to convert all selected text into lower case (a b c …….z).
(c) Capitalize Each Word – This function is used to make the first character of each word of selected text in upper case and remaining in lower case.
(d) Sentence case – This function is used to capitalize each sentence’s first character in upper case and remaining in lower case of selected text.
(e) tOGGLE cASE – This function is used to change the case from upper to lower or vice versa of selected text.
(a) Left alignment : Ctrl + L
(b) Right alignment : Ctrl + R
(c) Justify alignment : Ctrl + J
(d) Center alignment : Ctrl + E
Copy: Shortcut keys (Ctrl + C)
This function is used to copy the selected text.
Paste: Shortcut keys (Ctrl + V)
This function is used to paste the copied or cut text.
Cut: Shortcut keys (Ctrl + X)
This function is used to cut the selected text.
Line Spacing
This function is used to create space between lines of selected text.
Paragraph Spacing
This function is used to make space before, after or both of selected paragraph(s).
Paragraph marker
This function is used to mark white characters i.e. space, tab, para etc.
This function is used to mark the selected text with different color.
This function is used to draw borders (left, right, top, bottom or all borders) of selected paragraph.
This function is used to create a bulleted list.
This function is used to create a numbered list.
Multilevel List
This function is used to create a multi-level list.
Increase indent
This function is used to move your paragraph farther away from the margin.
Decrease indent
This function is used to move your paragraph closer to the margin.
This function is used to select pre-defined styles or create a new style from selected text.
Find: Shortcut keys (Ctrl + F)
This function is used to find any text within a document.
Replace: Shortcut keys (Ctrl + H)
This function is used to replace text with another text.
Select All: Shortcut keys (Ctrl + A)
This function is used to select all text of document.
Insert Menu
Cover Page
This function is used to create a designer front page.
Blank Page
This function is used to add a blank page.
Page Break
This function is used to bring the text to the next page.
This function is used to create a table.