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RSCIT i-Learn Assessment

What is computer hardware and software

Difference between computer hardware and software Computer hardware refers to the physical components that make up a computer system, such as the motherboard, processor, RAM,…

RSCIT iLearn Assessment 9 New

Q. 1: एक्सेल 2019 के सेल में टेक्स्ट को रैप करने का विकल्प आपको किस मेनू में मिलता हैं? Answer- A Q. 2: एक्सेल 2019…

RSCIT iLearn Assessment 8 New

Q. 1: आप फॉर्मेट पेंटर को बंद करने से पहले कई बार उसका उपयोग किसके द्वारा कर सकते हैं? Answer- B Q. 2: निम्नलिखित में…

RSCIT iLearn Assessment 7 New

RS-CIT (Rajasthan State Certificate in Information Technology) is a basic computer literacy course offered by RKCL (Rajasthan Knowledge Corporation Limited). It aims to enhance IT…

RSCIT iLearn Assessment 6 New

RS-CIT (Rajasthan State Certificate in Information Technology) is a basic computer literacy course offered by RKCL (Rajasthan Knowledge Corporation Limited). It aims to enhance IT…

RSCIT iLearn Assessment 5 New

RS-CIT (Rajasthan State Certificate in Information Technology) is a basic computer literacy course offered by RKCL (Rajasthan Knowledge Corporation Limited). It aims to enhance IT…

RSCIT iLearn Assessment 4 New

RS-CIT (Rajasthan State Certificate in Information Technology) is a basic computer literacy course offered by RKCL (Rajasthan Knowledge Corporation Limited). It aims to enhance IT…

RSCIT iLearn Assessment 3 New

RS-CIT (Rajasthan State Certificate in Information Technology) is a basic computer literacy course offered by RKCL (Rajasthan Knowledge Corporation Limited). It aims to enhance IT…

RSCIT iLearn Assessment 15 New

RS-CIT (Rajasthan State Certificate in Information Technology) is a basic computer literacy course offered by RKCL (Rajasthan Knowledge Corporation Limited). It aims to enhance IT…

RSCIT iLearn Assessment 14 New

RS-CIT (Rajasthan State Certificate in Information Technology) is a basic computer literacy course offered by RKCL (Rajasthan Knowledge Corporation Limited). It aims to enhance IT…

RSCIT iLearn Assessment 13 New

RS-CIT (Rajasthan State Certificate in Information Technology) is a basic computer literacy course offered by RKCL (Rajasthan Knowledge Corporation Limited). It aims to enhance IT…

RSCIT iLearn Assessment 12 New

RS-CIT (Rajasthan State Certificate in Information Technology) is a basic computer literacy course offered by RKCL (Rajasthan Knowledge Corporation Limited). It aims to enhance IT…

RSCIT iLearn Assessment 11 New

RS-CIT (Rajasthan State Certificate in Information Technology) is a basic computer literacy course offered by RKCL (Rajasthan Knowledge Corporation Limited). It aims to enhance IT…

RSCIT iLearn Assessment 10 New

RS-CIT (Rajasthan State Certificate in Information Technology) is a basic computer literacy course offered by RKCL (Rajasthan Knowledge Corporation Limited). It aims to enhance IT…

RSCIT iLearn Assessement 2 New

RS-CIT (Rajasthan State Certificate in Information Technology) is a basic computer literacy course offered by RKCL (Rajasthan Knowledge Corporation Limited). It aims to enhance IT…

RSCIT iLearn Assessement 1 New

RSCIT (Rajasthan State Certificate in Information Technology) iLearn Assessment-1 is an online evaluation designed to assess the understanding and knowledge of candidates in various basic…

RSCIT i-Learn Assessment – 15

Q. 1. विंडो 10 में फाइल फोल्डर को लॉक करने में आपकी कौनसी एप्लीकेशन मदद करती है ?  a. फोल्डर लॉक b. विंडोज डिफेंडर c. कोरटाना d. दिए…

RSCIT i-Learn Assessment – 14

Q. 1. किस प्रकार के साइबर अटैक मे आपसे आपकी जानकारी मांगी जाती है ? जैसे आपके पासवर्ड, आपका नाम, जन्मतिथी, पिन इत्यादि – a.…

RSCIT i-Learn Assessment – 13

Q. 1. पावर पॉइंट में पहले से ही इंसर्ट इमेज को एडिट करने पर क्या घटित होता है ? a. स्त्रोत फाइल जो पहले से…

RSCIT i-Learn Assessment – 12

Q. 1. किसी सेल के अक्षरों को काउंट करने के लिए निम्न में से कौन सा फार्मूला उपयुक्त है ?a. =LEN(B2,0)b. =LEN(B1:B2)c. =LEN(B2,1)d. =LEN(B2) Ans…

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