Minerals and Energy Resources
Which mineral is formed by decomposition of rocks, leaving a residual mass of weathered material?
a) Coal
b) Bauxite
c) Gold
d) Zinc
Answer: b) BauxiteKoderma, in Jharkhand, is the leading producer of which mineral?
a) Bauxite
b) Mica
c) Iron ore
d) Copper
Answer: b) MicaMinerals are deposited and accumulated in the strata of which type of rocks?
a) Sedimentary rocks
b) Igneous rocks
c) Metamorphic rocks
d) None of the above
Answer: a) Sedimentary rocksWhich mineral is contained in Monazite sand?
a) Oil
b) Uranium
c) Thorium
d) Coal
Answer: c) ThoriumWhat is the highest quality of hard coal?
a) Peat
b) Lignite
c) Bituminous
d) Anthracite
Answer: d) AnthraciteWhich state has the highest production of bauxite in India?
a) Odisha
b) Jharkhand
c) Gujarat
d) Maharashtra
Answer: a) OdishaWhich mineral is used for making electrical cables?
a) Copper
b) Zinc
c) Lead
d) Aluminium
Answer: a) CopperWhich mode of occurrence refers to minerals found in alluvial deposits?
a) Veins
b) Lodes
c) Placer deposits
d) Residual mass
Answer: c) Placer depositsWhat is the principal lignite reserve in India?
a) Jharia
b) Neyveli
c) Raniganj
d) Koraput
Answer: b) NeyveliWhich is the largest wind farm cluster in India?
a) Gujarat
b) Rajasthan
c) Tamil Nadu
d) Maharashtra
Answer: c) Tamil NaduWhich mineral is used to make toothpaste white?
a) Silica
b) Fluoride
c) Titanium oxide
d) Mica
Answer: c) Titanium oxideWhat is the primary source of uranium and thorium in India?
a) Monazite sands
b) Limestone deposits
c) Bauxite reserves
d) Iron ore mines
Answer: a) Monazite sandsWhich type of coal is most popular for commercial use?
a) Peat
b) Lignite
c) Bituminous
d) Anthracite
Answer: c) BituminousWhich is the oldest oil-producing state in India?
a) Assam
b) Gujarat
c) Maharashtra
d) Odisha
Answer: a) AssamWhich metallic mineral is exported the most by India?
a) Iron ore
b) Bauxite
c) Zinc
d) Copper
Answer: a) Iron oreWhat is the most abundant fossil fuel in India?
a) Natural gas
b) Coal
c) Petroleum
d) Uranium
Answer: b) CoalWhich element is used in the manufacture of bleaching powder?
a) Manganese
b) Zinc
c) Copper
d) Aluminium
Answer: a) ManganeseWhich type of energy is obtained from oceanic tides?
a) Wind energy
b) Geothermal energy
c) Tidal energy
d) Nuclear energy
Answer: c) Tidal energyWhat does Kudremukh in Karnataka primarily mine?
a) Copper
b) Iron ore
c) Bauxite
d) Mica
Answer: b) Iron oreWhich mineral is known for its excellent dielectric strength?
a) Mica
b) Zinc
c) Lead
d) Magnetite
Answer: a) MicaWhich state is the leading producer of manganese in India?
a) Maharashtra
b) Odisha
c) Karnataka
d) Madhya Pradesh
Answer: d) Madhya PradeshWhich mineral is used in the production of aluminium?
a) Magnetite
b) Hematite
c) Bauxite
d) Copper
Answer: c) BauxiteWhich is the most important iron ore in terms of quantity used in industries?
a) Magnetite
b) Hematite
c) Siderite
d) Limonite
Answer: b) HematiteWhat is the primary use of limestone in industries?
a) Smelting iron ore
b) Making jewellery
c) Making glass
d) Producing electricity
Answer: a) Smelting iron oreWhich mineral is used in thermal power generation?
a) Copper
b) Coal
c) Mica
d) Zinc
Answer: b) CoalWhat is the term used to describe the accumulation of minerals in economically viable concentrations?
a) Ore
b) Rock
c) Deposit
d) Lode
Answer: a) OreWhich mineral is essential for the steel industry?
a) Manganese
b) Copper
c) Aluminium
d) Mica
Answer: a) ManganeseWhere is the Digboi oil field located?
a) Gujarat
b) Assam
c) Maharashtra
d) Tamil Nadu
Answer: b) AssamWhat is the primary source of geothermal energy?
a) Sun
b) Earth’s heat
c) Tides
d) Wind
Answer: b) Earth’s heatWhich metal is used for manufacturing aircraft due to its lightweight properties?
a) Aluminium
b) Iron
c) Copper
d) Zinc
Answer: a) AluminiumWhich state in India has the largest deposits of iron ore?
a) Odisha
b) Jharkhand
c) Karnataka
d) Chhattisgarh
Answer: a) OdishaWhat is the major fuel used for thermal power stations?
a) Natural gas
b) Coal
c) Petroleum
d) Uranium
Answer: b) CoalWhich mineral is commonly used as a filler in plastics and rubbers?
a) Mica
b) Limestone
c) Bauxite
d) Fluorite
Answer: b) LimestoneWhich is the most widely used fossil fuel in India?
a) Petroleum
b) Coal
c) Natural gas
d) Uranium
Answer: b) CoalWhich mineral is extracted from veins and lodes?
a) Copper
b) Tin
c) Lead
d) All of the above
Answer: d) All of the aboveWhich source of energy is considered non-conventional?
a) Coal
b) Solar energy
c) Natural gas
d) Petroleum
Answer: b) Solar energyWhich mineral is used for making electronic circuits?
a) Gold
b) Silicon
c) Zinc
d) Copper
Answer: b) SiliconWhich is a renewable source of energy?
a) Coal
b) Nuclear energy
c) Wind energy
d) Petroleum
Answer: c) Wind energyWhich region in India is famous for mica deposits?
a) Chhota Nagpur Plateau
b) Deccan Plateau
c) Western Ghats
d) Aravalli Hills
Answer: a) Chhota Nagpur PlateauWhich mineral is mined in the Balaghat mines of Madhya Pradesh?
a) Bauxite
b) Copper
c) Mica
d) Iron ore
Answer: b) CopperWhat is lignite?
a) A type of natural gas
b) A low-grade brown coal
c) A form of petroleum
d) A type of uranium ore
Answer: b) A low-grade brown coalWhich river valley has significant coal deposits in India?
a) Damodar
b) Godavari
c) Krishna
d) Mahanadi
Answer: a) DamodarWhich mineral is used for making bleaching powder?
a) Zinc
b) Manganese
c) Copper
d) Lead
Answer: b) ManganeseWhich country imports the most iron ore from India?
a) Japan
b) USA
c) South Korea
d) China
Answer: a) JapanWhich mineral is used in manufacturing cement?
a) Limestone
b) Bauxite
c) Mica
d) Copper
Answer: a) LimestoneWhich mineral is primarily responsible for making electrical switches?
a) Copper
b) Silver
c) Mica
d) Aluminium
Answer: c) MicaWhat is the main source of nuclear energy in India?
a) Bauxite
b) Uranium
c) Copper
d) Iron ore
Answer: b) UraniumWhich state is the leading producer of copper in India?
a) Madhya Pradesh
b) Rajasthan
c) Jharkhand
d) Maharashtra
Answer: a) Madhya PradeshWhich mineral is used in the production of fertilisers?
a) Phosphates
b) Mica
c) Zinc
d) Gold
Answer: a) PhosphatesWhich is the main iron ore mining belt in Karnataka?
a) Kudremukh
b) Bellary
c) Tumakuru
d) Chitradurga
Answer: a) KudremukhWhich non-conventional source of energy is used to generate electricity from organic waste?
a) Solar energy
b) Geothermal energy
c) Biogas
d) Tidal energy
Answer: c) BiogasWhich state has the largest deposits of mica in India?
a) Rajasthan
b) Jharkhand
c) Andhra Pradesh
d) Gujarat
Answer: b) JharkhandWhich mineral is used to reduce cavities in toothpaste?
a) Fluoride
b) Silica
c) Mica
d) Titanium oxide
Answer: a) FluorideWhat type of coal is found in the northeastern states of India?
a) Anthracite
b) Tertiary coal
c) Lignite
d) Bituminous
Answer: b) Tertiary coalWhich mineral is found in placer deposits?
a) Tin
b) Copper
c) Iron ore
d) Bauxite
Answer: a) TinWhich state has the largest wind farms in India?
a) Gujarat
b) Rajasthan
c) Tamil Nadu
d) Karnataka
Answer: c) Tamil NaduWhat is the main use of monazite sand?
a) Fertiliser production
b) Nuclear energy production
c) Glassmaking
d) Cement manufacturing
Answer: b) Nuclear energy productionWhat type of rocks are known for containing metallic minerals in veins and lodes?
a) Sedimentary rocks
b) Igneous and metamorphic rocks
c) Fossil-rich rocks
d) Organic rocks
Answer: b) Igneous and metamorphic rocksWhich country is the largest importer of Indian iron ore?
a) USA
b) Japan
c) China
d) South Korea
Answer: c) ChinaWhich mineral is used to make glass and ceramics?
a) Limestone
b) Silica
c) Bauxite
d) Zinc
Answer: b) SilicaWhich mineral is extracted in large quantities from the Bailadila hills?
a) Manganese
b) Copper
c) Iron ore
d) Limestone
Answer: c) Iron oreWhat type of energy is produced by altering the structure of atoms?
a) Tidal energy
b) Nuclear energy
c) Solar energy
d) Wind energy
Answer: b) Nuclear energyWhich is the largest producer of petroleum in India?
a) Gujarat
b) Assam
c) Maharashtra
d) Tamil Nadu
Answer: a) GujaratWhat is the primary mineral found in ocean water?
a) Salt
b) Gold
c) Coal
d) Manganese
Answer: a) SaltWhich mineral is widely used for making utensils and machinery?
a) Aluminium
b) Copper
c) Zinc
d) Iron
Answer: d) IronWhat is the geological age of Gondwana coal?
a) 200 million years
b) 100 million years
c) 300 million years
d) 50 million years
Answer: a) 200 million yearsWhich region in India is known for its reserves of thorium?
a) Kerala
b) Rajasthan
c) Karnataka
d) Gujarat
Answer: a) KeralaWhich mineral is essential for smelting steel?
a) Manganese
b) Copper
c) Zinc
d) Bauxite
Answer: a) ManganeseWhich state is the leading producer of limestone in India?
a) Madhya Pradesh
b) Rajasthan
c) Gujarat
d) Odisha
Answer: b) RajasthanWhich energy source is tapped using photovoltaic cells?
a) Wind energy
b) Solar energy
c) Tidal energy
d) Geothermal energy
Answer: b) Solar energyWhich mineral is used in the production of paints?
a) Mica
b) Zinc
c) Manganese
d) Copper
Answer: c) ManganeseWhat is the primary use of cobalt in industries?
a) Alloys for batteries
b) Cement manufacturing
c) Fertiliser production
d) Steel refining
Answer: a) Alloys for batteriesWhich metal is extracted from rutile and ilmenite?
a) Aluminium
b) Titanium
c) Zinc
d) Copper
Answer: b) TitaniumWhich mineral is the primary source of magnesium?
a) Dolomite
b) Bauxite
c) Limestone
d) Hematite
Answer: a) DolomiteWhich energy source uses floodgate dams?
a) Tidal energy
b) Wind energy
c) Solar energy
d) Geothermal energy
Answer: a) Tidal energyWhich mineral is used as a primary raw material in the cement industry?
a) Bauxite
b) Mica
c) Limestone
d) Iron ore
Answer: c) LimestoneWhich is a major petroleum-producing area in India?
a) Mumbai High
b) Kolkata
c) Bengaluru
d) Pune
Answer: a) Mumbai HighWhich mineral is found in large quantities in the Gulf of Kutch?
a) Salt
b) Coal
c) Manganese
d) Copper
Answer: a) SaltWhich energy source is derived from organic matter like shrubs and animal waste?
a) Solar energy
b) Biogas
c) Geothermal energy
d) Tidal energy
Answer: b) BiogasWhich is the largest natural gas-producing basin in India?
a) Krishna-Godavari Basin
b) Damodar Valley
c) Cauvery Basin
d) Ganga Basin
Answer: a) Krishna-Godavari BasinWhich mineral is used to make utensils and electrical wires?
a) Zinc
b) Aluminium
c) Copper
d) Iron
Answer: c) CopperWhich type of rock is associated with fossil fuel deposits?
a) Igneous rocks
b) Sedimentary rocks
c) Metamorphic rocks
d) Volcanic rocks
Answer: b) Sedimentary rocksWhich region in India is famous for its deposits of bauxite?
a) Amarkantak Plateau
b) Deccan Plateau
c) Western Ghats
d) Northern Plains
Answer: a) Amarkantak PlateauWhat is the main source of energy for rural households in India?
a) Solar energy
b) Firewood and dung cakes
c) Natural gas
d) Coal
Answer: b) Firewood and dung cakesWhich state is the leading producer of natural gas in India?
a) Gujarat
b) Assam
c) Rajasthan
d) Andhra Pradesh
Answer: a) GujaratWhat is the primary component of Gobar gas?
a) Methane
b) Ethane
c) Carbon dioxide
d) Nitrogen
Answer: a) MethaneWhich mineral is known for its excellent thermal resistance?
a) Mica
b) Iron ore
c) Limestone
d) Copper
Answer: a) MicaWhich mineral is obtained from placer deposits?
a) Gold
b) Coal
c) Bauxite
d) Mica
Answer: a) GoldWhat is the main use of thorium in India?
a) Nuclear energy production
b) Fertiliser production
c) Cement industry
d) Smelting iron
Answer: a) Nuclear energy productionWhich state is famous for the Singbhum copper belt?
a) Jharkhand
b) Maharashtra
c) Rajasthan
d) Gujarat
Answer: a) JharkhandWhich mineral is used to manufacture aeroplanes and ships due to its lightweight?
a) Aluminium
b) Iron
c) Zinc
d) Lead
Answer: a) AluminiumWhich non-conventional energy source is derived from the Earth’s interior heat?
a) Geothermal energy
b) Wind energy
c) Solar energy
d) Biomass
Answer: a) Geothermal energyWhich is the leading state in wind energy production in India?
a) Tamil Nadu
b) Gujarat
c) Maharashtra
d) Rajasthan
Answer: a) Tamil NaduWhich mineral is used in the production of synthetic textiles?
a) Petroleum
b) Limestone
c) Coal
d) Bauxite
Answer: a) PetroleumWhich type of coal has the highest carbon content?
a) Lignite
b) Bituminous
c) Anthracite
d) Peat
Answer: c) AnthraciteWhich mineral resource is mainly found in the Aravalli hills?
a) Lead and zinc
b) Copper
c) Mica
d) Bauxite
Answer: a) Lead and zincWhich mineral is used as a raw material for steel-making?
a) Iron ore
b) Copper
c) Mica
d) Bauxite
Answer: a) Iron oreWhich is the primary source of power in hydroelectric power plants?
a) Coal
b) Wind
c) Water
d) Solar energy
Answer: c) WaterWhat is the most abundant energy source in India?
a) Petroleum
b) Coal
c) Solar energy
d) Natural gas
Answer: b) CoalWhich energy source is generated using photovoltaic technology?
a) Tidal energy
b) Solar energy
c) Wind energy
d) Geothermal energy
Answer: b) Solar energy
Other links to Contemporary India for CBSE-10 students:
1-Resources and development | 2-Forest and Wildlife Resources | 3-Water Resources | 4-Agriculture | 5-Minerals and Energy Resources | 6-Manufacturing Industries | 7-Lifelines of National Economy

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