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RSCIT i-Learn Assessment

RSCIT iLearn

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RSCIT iLearn Assessment 15 New

RS-CIT (Rajasthan State Certificate in Information Technology) is a basic computer literacy course offered by RKCL (Rajasthan Knowledge Corporation Limited). It aims to enhance IT skills and digital literacy among students, professionals, and the general public in Rajasthan. The course covers topics like computer basics, MS Office, internet usage, digital payments, and e-governance services. The […]

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RSCIT iLearn Assessment 14 New

RS-CIT (Rajasthan State Certificate in Information Technology) is a basic computer literacy course offered by RKCL (Rajasthan Knowledge Corporation Limited). It aims to enhance IT skills and digital literacy among students, professionals, and the general public in Rajasthan. The course covers topics like computer basics, MS Office, internet usage, digital payments, and e-governance services. The

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RSCIT iLearn Assessment 13 New

RS-CIT (Rajasthan State Certificate in Information Technology) is a basic computer literacy course offered by RKCL (Rajasthan Knowledge Corporation Limited). It aims to enhance IT skills and digital literacy among students, professionals, and the general public in Rajasthan. The course covers topics like computer basics, MS Office, internet usage, digital payments, and e-governance services. The

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RSCIT iLearn Assessment 12 New

RS-CIT (Rajasthan State Certificate in Information Technology) is a basic computer literacy course offered by RKCL (Rajasthan Knowledge Corporation Limited). It aims to enhance IT skills and digital literacy among students, professionals, and the general public in Rajasthan. The course covers topics like computer basics, MS Office, internet usage, digital payments, and e-governance services. The

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RSCIT iLearn Assessment 11 New

RS-CIT (Rajasthan State Certificate in Information Technology) is a basic computer literacy course offered by RKCL (Rajasthan Knowledge Corporation Limited). It aims to enhance IT skills and digital literacy among students, professionals, and the general public in Rajasthan. The course covers topics like computer basics, MS Office, internet usage, digital payments, and e-governance services. The

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RSCIT iLearn Assessment 10 New

RS-CIT (Rajasthan State Certificate in Information Technology) is a basic computer literacy course offered by RKCL (Rajasthan Knowledge Corporation Limited). It aims to enhance IT skills and digital literacy among students, professionals, and the general public in Rajasthan. The course covers topics like computer basics, MS Office, internet usage, digital payments, and e-governance services. The

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RSCIT iLearn Assessment 9 New

Q. 1: एक्सेल 2019 के सेल में टेक्स्ट को रैप करने का विकल्प आपको किस मेनू में मिलता हैं? Answer- A Q. 2: एक्सेल 2019 में HLOOKUP फंक्शन VLOOKUP फंक्शन से किस प्रकार भिन्न हैं? Answer- A Q. 3: परिपक्वता पर ब्याज का भुगतान करने वाली सुरक्षा के लिए अर्जित ब्याज वापस करने के लिए

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RSCIT iLearn Assessment 8 New

Q. 1: आप फॉर्मेट पेंटर को बंद करने से पहले कई बार उसका उपयोग किसके द्वारा कर सकते हैं? Answer- B Q. 2: निम्नलिखित में से कौन सी फॉन्ट शैली नहीं हैं? Answer- D Q. 3: MS वर्ड 2019 में किसी डॉक्यूमेंट को सेव करने के लिए किस कीबोर्ड शॉर्टकट का उपयोग किया जाता हैं?

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RSCIT iLearn Assessment 7 New

RS-CIT (Rajasthan State Certificate in Information Technology) is a basic computer literacy course offered by RKCL (Rajasthan Knowledge Corporation Limited). It aims to enhance IT skills and digital literacy among students, professionals, and the general public in Rajasthan. The course covers topics like computer basics, MS Office, internet usage, digital payments, and e-governance services. The

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RSCIT iLearn Assessment 6 New

RS-CIT (Rajasthan State Certificate in Information Technology) is a basic computer literacy course offered by RKCL (Rajasthan Knowledge Corporation Limited). It aims to enhance IT skills and digital literacy among students, professionals, and the general public in Rajasthan. The course covers topics like computer basics, MS Office, internet usage, digital payments, and e-governance services. The

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