Open a document. | Ctrl+O |
Create a new document. | Ctrl+N |
Save the document. | Ctrl+S |
Close the document. | Ctrl+W |
Cut the selected content to the Clipboard. | Ctrl+X |
Copy the selected content to the Clipboard. | Ctrl+C |
Paste the contents of the Clipboard. | Ctrl+V |
Select all document content. | Ctrl+A |
Apply bold formatting to text. | Ctrl+B |
Apply italic formatting to text. | Ctrl+I |
Apply underline formatting to text. | Ctrl+U |
Decrease the font size by 1 point. | Ctrl+Left bracket ([) |
Increase the font size by 1 point. | Ctrl+Right bracket (]) |
Center the text. | Ctrl+E |
Align the text to the left. | Ctrl+L |
Align the text to the right. | Ctrl+R |
Cancel a command. | Esc |
Undo the previous action. | Ctrl+Z |
Redo the previous action, if possible. | Ctrl+Y |
Adjust the zoom magnification. | Alt+W, Q, then use the Tab key in the Zoom dialog box to go to the value you want. |
MS Word is a powerful tool for documentation. This is used for creating letters, notes, office documentation etc..
Read also shortcut keys : TallyPrime, Excel
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