Computer hardware refers to the physical components that make up a computer system, such as the motherboard, processor, RAM, hard drive, and others. These components work together to perform the tasks and operations that are requested by software programs.
Software, on the other hand, refers to the programs and operating systems that run on the computer. This includes the operating system (such as Windows or MacOS), applications (such as Microsoft Office or Google Chrome), and utilities (such as antivirus software or disk defragmenter). Software provides the instructions that the computer hardware follows to perform various tasks.
The interaction between hardware and software is crucial for a computer to function properly. The hardware provides the physical resources that software needs to run, while software provides the instructions that tell the hardware what to do.
For example, a computer user might open a web browser software program, which sends instructions to the computer’s hardware to retrieve and display web pages from the internet. The hardware uses the processor and other components to carry out these instructions and display the requested information on the computer screen.
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